Sunday, July 1, 2018

Thank You!

Dear Friends,
Several years ago I made my last post on this blog requesting prayers for my family. My husband had been diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) and my son was starting his freshman year in high school. I'm happy to update my post with a long overdue thank you for your prayers and encouragement. My husband's health is fantastic as he is in remission and my son will soon start his senior year.
Our "happy place!" Harbour Town, Hilton Head Island, SC

While social media can have its pros and cons, the internet is an amazing tool for making connections and creating community. For example, one day during Keith's recovery, I got an email from a teacher in Wisconsin just to let me know that she had prayed for my family that day! 

The force is strong with this family!

When Keith was diagnosed, I took a look at my busy life and prioritized. Blogging and TPT products went to the back burner. Since I last posted, I finished the year in first grade and ended up in second grade.

Smart second graders

I even took a little off-road adventure into the business world, traveling for ESGI to share their time-saving product with Kindergarten teachers.

MacKenzie, a new Kindergarten friend from Washington.

It didn't take long before I realized I was off my true path, though, and went back (and onward!) to my life's calling and passion...teaching, of course! 

Writing river poetry with first and second graders.

On a sad note, I said goodbye to my mom and dad this year. I miss them terribly. I am forever grateful that these two ambitious, creative, hard-working people were my parents.

I guess you could say midlife brought me a crisis or two. I'm still trusting the journey and seeking to use my gifts with purpose

This I know for sure...working with teachers and kids brings me great joy. Teaching is my true vocation. It's not only what I'm called to do, but also where I have my voice in this world. These days I'm fortunate to teach gifted kiddos in grades K-5. 
The Ocmulgee River in Macon, Georgia.
I'm also honored to be an adjunct professor at Mercer University where I teach courses in literacy. Preparing teacher candidates to enter the field of education is both a humbling and exciting experience. Go Mercer bears!

My "big kids" in a reading diagnostics course at Tift College of Education, Mercer University.
Finally, I'm thrilled to say that I continue to be invited to present workshops for SDE, Staff Development for Educators. In fact, I'll be Vegas NEXT WEEK at the national conference. If you'll be there, I'd be honored if you'd come by and say hello. If you're not's not too late to catch a flight!

Thank you again for your friendship! 

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Prayer Requests

Dear Friends,
On August 6th, my husband of 24 years was diagnosed with leukemia. After his first round of chemo and excellent care at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, he is doing remarkably well. He is home and we are waiting for the plans for his future treatments. We are surrounded by church, school and work family who are supporting and encouraging us through this unexpected time in our lives. Thanks be to God for this love.

I will not be blogging for a while. I request your prayers and good thoughts. Please pray for my husband's continued recovery. Pray for my son as he begins his first year of high school. Pray for me as I begin the school year in a new grade. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Back to School! My Room and Blog Hop

All systems are go for lift off! The Gammons Galaxy is ready for first graders. Here's a photo peek into my room and a video tour.

After your walk through, be sure to read on for the scoop on a Back-to-School blog hop!

And now information on the Back-to-School hop and prizes. Droppin' Knowledge is our host for this hop featuring at least 40 bloggers and prizes. 

My prize is Bloom's Taxonomy for Little Thinkers. In this pack, you'll get 50 photos and writing prompts. Each prompt is tagged to indicate the level of thinking it encourages—beginning with remembering and going all the way to creating.You can display the pictures and prompts on a screen for discussion for you can print them for writing prompts.

Be sure to enter this rafflecopter giveaway!

Find all of the posts and prizes in this link up.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's Almost August...

Teachers Deals and Dollar Steals is hosting a link up of items you'll need in August. Yes...I said August. *sigh* 

I just have to ask, do you follow Teacher Deals and Dollar Steals? If not you need to, friend. Just so you know, I post a product on the blog the 16th of EVERY month. Yes, I do. The Smart Kids product is always available for three days at the $1 price.

So do I have products you'll need to start the year. Of course!

My favorite product that everyone loves at the beginning of the year is this crayon book. It is $1 all time! A great way to recycle the empty boxes.

Give your little ones the chance to imagine their way through the alphabet with these prompts that you can use all year long.

Teacher Testimonial: "What a great way to introduce and pratice writing basic sentences, sentece conventions and handwriting. This will be a wonderful writing center addition. I really appreciate the two different writing lines you've provided as well."

Use the last days of summer to make these centers you'll use all year long.

Teacher Testimonial: "I used this for whole group lessons and station activities. I love it!"
"I am using this set for RTI students who are not meeting standards. It works perfectly and requires little extra planning and prep."

Check out even MORE great products to help you prepare for August!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

It Doesn't Stay in Vegas...Video Footage of the FUN

So there's the phrase, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." Um, No. These fabulous folks were given fair warning. Here's what goes down in my SDE sessions.

Sure, I could post slides and pictures of me...but isn't that more fun? Truth is, I didn't even get one picture of myself all day long. I did get a lot of joy, however, out of sharing with teachers and listening to them as well. Remember if you have any questions about our sessions, feel free to email me. 

Then there's these two...
Laurie and Rachelle from Abilene, Texas were the first teachers to walk into my session 8 a.m Monday morning. They stayed with me all day, right there on the front row to encourage and just down right bless me all day long. We started out like this on Monday...
We ended up like this by Thursday!
Another privilege for me is working with the fabulous folks at ESGI. Here I am in their booth talking about the magic of saving hours on your assessments. 

Poof! Who doesn't want assessments that are done in a jiffy? Alakazam! Charts and customized flash cards are made with one click. Shazam! You've shared your data with principals and parents. Seriously. GET YOUR TRIAL LICENSE  before the first week of school. (Use code B6336 to save $40.)

Then there's the fun of meeting up with friends from Georgia...

Kelly: First Grade Fairytales
Bonnie: Bonnie Kathryn Kinders and Beyond
Greg: Mr. Elementary Math California!

Heidi: HeidiSongs
Palma: KFUNdamentals
Yes, there is a whole lot of learning going on at SDE conferences. The fun and friendships are the glue that makes it all stick. Be sure to look for a conference in your state this year. Start saving your pennies for the National Conference next July in Vegas!

Leave a comment if you went to the conference. Even if you weren't in my sessions, share your fun!
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