Your students are sure to dig these designer dinosaurs! If you're following the Journeys curriculum in Kindergarten, you know that How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? is the extended text in lesson two. This book is perfect for discussions about school rules and manners.
Here's how you can make your own designer dinosaurs. I found easy directions for how to draw a dinosaur in this book. Great can see the directions with this link. Just click the cover to go to the Scholastic store and you can look inside the book. It is on page 31.
We practiced drawing the dinosaurs on our white boards.
Next we drew them on white construction paper with pencil.
Then we traced our pencil lines with black Sharpie markers.
We colored the dinos with artists chalks.
However, you could use watercolor paint, oil pastels or just crayons.
I sprayed the dinosaurs with cheap hair spray.
I cut out the dinos and glued them to black construction paper.