Take your students' thinking higher with read-alouds! In this session, we'll find out what research says about the value of read-alouds.Then we'll look at Bloom's Taxonomy to find ways your readers can remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create with stories. I've got lots of lessons, charts, and activities ready to share!
In this session, we'll take a look at the developmental stages of writing with real samples from kindergarten students. We'll examine routines and centers to help you incorporate writing into your classroom. By viewing videos of children being coached, you'll understand how to help you class create narrative, informational, opinion, and persuasive pieces of writing.
Get your kindergartners ready for an amazing ride that takes them from read-alouds into writing. We'll look at the research road signs that connect reading with writing. Travel with me through books with plans for charts, prompts, centers, and projects.
You need lots of tools in your toolbox to run a successful readers' workshop. In this session, I'll help you lay out a blueprint for setting up your schedule. We'll nail down key areas of the curriculum to cover through the year.
In South Carolina (March 2), I'll share Super Smart Writing and Reading Under Construction. I'll also lead these sessions:
Sing into schema, dance into determining
importance, act out inferences, make visual art
using visualization, turn questions into poetry,
make music with the meaning of synthesis!
Experience ideas for integrating visual art, music,
movement, poetry, storytelling, and drama with
children’s literature. I'll share innovative
ways to teach comprehension strategies—
making connections, visualizing, inferring,
asking questions, determining importance, and
Help your students set sail toward math success!
In this session you’ll get a bounty of easy-to-use
strategies for developing and reinforcing math
skills, number sense and numerical fluency. On the
journey, we'll examine the treasure map to find
out what current research says about how young
children learn these concepts. You’ll determine
ways to avoid shipwrecks by looking at where
children struggle with numeracy. Plus, you’ll also collect some treasures—whole-group lessons and
games that easily transfer to center activities.

If you attend any of these sessions, please be sure to introduce yourself! See you soon!

If you attend any of these sessions, please be sure to introduce yourself! See you soon!