Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Very Hungry Caterpillar Day

Happy Caterpillar Day! My class is chewing their way through an Eric Carle unit. As for my young writers...when they came to Kindergarten they were just hungry little caterpillars. Look how their writing has changed. Now they are butterfly writers ready to take flight!

Here are some reasons that they think you should read this book.
"You should read this book because there is a butterfly. It is so colorful. It is so pretty you might not take your eyes off of it!"
"It teaches you how to learn about caterpillars and cocoons and butterflies.  This is a great book." I love how she spelled great like she says it..."Gu-rate!"

"You should read this book because it tells you sciences."

And then there's this kinder who came to school not knowing one letter or sound...She has definately made her way out of the random-letter cocoon. She is starting to sound out her words.This one makes my heart flutter.

It helps you learn your colors.  It helps you learn education." 
If you want your own copy of this writing page, you'll find it in my free pack of prompts that supports the Georgia Common Core teaching units for Kindergarten. Here's the link to the Georgia units...
And here's the link for the free writing prompts.


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